WOW! What a book! What an inspiration! It’s a must-read and just got better and better as it went on! Basic idea: Greg Mortensen climbs but fails to summit K2. Afterward, he is taken care of by a small, poor village. When he sees their challenges, he promises to return and build them a school. Building schools for the poorest of the poor in the Middle East becomes his life’s work. Favorite quote from the book, "If you really want to change a culture, to empower women, improve basic hygiene and health care, and fight high rates of infant mortality, the answer is to educate girls." Mortensen
gives such incredible insight into a place I know so little about. I heard him speak a year ago and have wanted to read this book ever since, and it did not disappoint! Has anyone else read it? Did you love it as much as I did? Also, I’m such a fan of Get on it, and we can be book review buddies!
I am SO glad you read this book! It is absolutely wonderful. I could read it hundreds of times and still learn something new every time.