Becoming a Crocheter?

My senior year high school, I went to a Relief Society Service Auction.   Each person earned points by doing service beforehand, and once you got there, you could bid on receiving service from someone else (Using the points you earned by giving service).  I won a massage from a woman who was in massage school and a crochet lesson by a crochet genius. 

I was pumped and went to my crochet lesson bright eyed and bushy tailed all ready to become a domestic diva...but it was awful.  I was awful, and we both knew it.  I felt bad wasting this poor woman's time.  I just couldn't get it.  I finally convinced her that I would practice at home, so she would let me go.  I never picked up the crocheting again, until last week.  Last week I saw Michelle's cute cute earwarmers, and I had the insatiable urge to make one myself.  I got my supplies, I watched the tutorials, and I began. 
BUT, I'm starting to wonder if I made a really big mistake.  I thought crocheting would be fun.  I know, I know, insert, "What were you thinking?" here, but I did.  And now, I'm really really bad at it.  I've been trying for two hours now and nothing.  It shouldn't be this hard, right?  I have the chain stitch down, and I thought I was getting the single crochet, but it just doesn't look like the tutorial.  Does the picture look weird to you?  Help please.

1 comment:

  1. I use to have the same problem when crocheting, and i'm still not the best at it, trust me it takes time and practice, what i would do is find some one who can show you again how to do it, that's what i needed, my cousin showed me and then i bought a book which has helped me a lot.


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