I am thoroughly enjoying the Narnia series. I just finished
Prince Caspian, and it was great. I think my favorite part is when Lucy and the others are following Aslan up a mountain to the battlefield. The journey is hard, but they can see the top. Once Aslan reaches the top, he goes down the backside of the mountain. Lucy can't see how it makes sense for him to go down since it looks like a sharp fall to the bottom, but, she follows anyway, and she realizes once she's made the top that there's a path for her to follow on the way down. The only way she made it was by trusting in Aslan even though she didn't understand the journey he was taking her on. It really got me thinking.
Has anyone else read it? What did you think?
I loved the Narnia Series. They are awesome...and I really enjoy re-reading a series that I enjoyed as a child. I recently re-read the Ann of Green Gables Books and LOVED them again...also, I am re-reading The Hobbit right now and I am having all these great flashbacks to reading it as an 8 year old girl. Maybe I will re-read the Narnia Series next...thanks for the idea!