Becoming Graceful was a day like any other.  I was minding my own business, walking down the stairs at work like I do 10 times each day.  When suddenly, for no reason at all, my high heel sandal with no back got twisted, and I fell down the stairs (Shoes toppling on my head behind me)!!!  I was carrying my work laptop, so I didn't have my hands to stop myself.  AND I was so worried about breaking the laptop that I ended up sliding on my knees the whole way down.  I ripped my pants, from my knees to my feet there are scrapes and bloody nasty-not to mention the bruises.  My knees are completely purple!  Such a graceful moment...and my mother wonders why I didn't do dance!  


  1. Oh my heck! I hope you are okay now. Seriously, that does NOT sound fun. But hey, it now makes for a great story! :)

  2. oh scary! I have never fallen quite like that...but I know that horrible feeling when you are not controlling your body. So glad that you are okay...hope you heal quickly.

  3. Oh sad! I hope you are okay! It happens to the best of us! =]

  4. You poor thing! Are you feeling better now? Look on the bright side you get to buy new pants now ? :)


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