Becoming a Reader: Undomestic Goddess

The Undomestic GoddessWhen I heard the title, I knew I had to read this book.  It spoke to me.  I read it in two days and really liked the story.  At times, it was a little far-fetched, but hey, it’s fiction, don’t judge.  I really liked the concept.  It’s a workaholic lawyer with no life outside of the office.  She is fired after making a mistake that cost her company millions, is mistaken for a housekeeper, and takes the job.  She moves to a small town, meets a hunk, makes friends, and realizes what she has been missing.  Suddenly she has to cook, clean, and do laundry.  I think my favorite part was when she had Saturday off, and she didn’t know what to do.  Her “luxurious bath” took 15 minutes, and her “long breakfast” took 10 minutes.  She started scheduling “relax” time.  It’s sounds nutso, but I do the same thing. I hate “free” time, so I schedule things like reading and other hobbies into my day and check them off when they’re done.  It was a sweet story and had some great twists at the end.  I was not amused by the language.  There was enough of it to make me not recommend it, but if you like language, you’ll like this book! :) 

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