Becoming a Reader: Book Club Adventures

Stargirl (Readers Circle)
Book Club is up and running again.  If anyone is interested in joining, let me know, and I can give you the when and where details!  Our first meeting of the new year was on Friday, and we made a list of all the books we're going to read in 2011.  There are a lot that I've always wanted to read, so it'll be grand.  February's book is Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli.  I've heard good things, so I'm excited to get started!

February – Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
March – Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
April – The Help by Kathryn Stockett
May – Bella at Midnight by Diane Stanley
June – The Other Side of Heaven by John Groberg
July – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling
August – I Am a Mother by Jane Clayson Johnson
September – The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis
October – The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
November – A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

At book club we were discussing why we read.  Some women like the entertainment value, others want to learn something new, and others want an escape from the busyness of life.  Why do YOU read?


  1. I read Stargirl once a time, several years ago, though I don't really remember it. I wish I was in a book club! How fun!

  2. my hubby has all the ender's game books. i like to read to for fun and sometimes i read just to help my mind relax so i can fall asleep at night.

  3. LOVE Stargirl. the sequel (it's good too).


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